Giving Thanks: Recognizing student society support at the Library

There are a lot of things to be thankful for at McGill Library.

As we celebrate the Thanksgiving Day long weekend, we’d like to take a moment to acknowledge the priceless support we receive each and every year from our student societies. One of the key ways that we grow services to meet user needs is by partnering with student societies, councils, and associations on numerous initiatives throughout the year. Student society support of the Library from groups like the SSMU Library Improvement Fund (LIF)Arts Undergraduate SocietyPost Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS), McGill Music Undergraduate Student Association (MUSA) and the Macdonald Campus Student Society, are often the driving force behind innovative pilot projects, much-needed facilities improvements, and expanded collections. From public display screens to reporting on open educational resources, projects supported by student groups cover a variety of community needs. Click through this slideshow to explore some of the initiatives spearheaded by student support.

In recognition of the numerous contributions made by McGill’s student societies, the Library is once again launching an awareness campaign highlighting stories related to student society support and its impact on the life of the library and the academic student experience.

From mid-October to December watch Library Matters and the Library’s Facebook and Twitter feeds for some testimonials from library student workers and fun facts and figures about the Library.

Lastly, if you are planning a visit over the next month or so, look out for colourful visual markers on equipment, furniture, and spaces funded by student contributions. You’ll see these specially branded “tags” in all our branches on things like scanners, puzzle stations, standing desks, touch tables, computer stations, washrooms, and even a piano.

Our gratitude goes out to all the student groups that support the Library – thank you for your generosity and collaborative spirit!









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