Anyone who has visited the Education Library & Curriculum Resources Centre in the middle of the day knows that it can be a busy (and often very noisy) place to study. Much of the work done by Faculty of Education students is group based, and with a lack of common space in the Education building, the library has become a hub for group projects. It is not uncommon to see groups of students huddled around tables enthusiastically chatting as they put together a poster board—often with markers, glue, craft supplies and a copy of the QEP (Quebec Education Program) in hand. With only two closed-off group-study rooms in the Education Library, finding usable group-study space and controlling the noise levels is a constant challenge for the library staff.
We are thrilled that construction is now underway to create a brand-new group study area. This space will contain moveable tables, chairs and white-boards to maximize flexibility for groups of various sizes. For those students who prefer to study in peace and quiet, the most exciting feature of this new space will be the glass wall, which will help to contain some of the noisy enthusiasm that comes hand-in-hand with group work.
Preparation for these renovations began back in Summer 2012 with the installation of compact shelving in the library’s Main collection. More recently, the Children’s Literature & Young Adult collection moved across the library to join the Curriculum Resources collection. This newly freed-up corner looks sparse at the moment, but it will soon be transformed into a great new space. We look forward to sharing photos post-renovation!
By Katherine Hanz, Education Library
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