48K and counting! McGill Dissertations and Theses

Theses and Dissertations from the McGill University Library

The McGill University Library is home to thousands of dissertations and theses produced by McGill’s graduate students. Beyond conserving these theses and dissertations, the Library retroactively digitized all its print theses and dissertations and made them freely available in McGill’s institutional repository, eScholarship. Additionally, as of 2021, McGill’s theses and dissertations are discoverable via the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. This will allow researchers from around the world to discover McGill theses alongside those of other institutions.

Meeting diverse research needs

The electronic dissertations and thesis in eScholarship are available in Open Access format and can be accessed by anyone in the world for free. 

In addition to being able to search across McGill’s dissertations and theses, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses allows users to explore dissertations and theses from universities around the world. 

McGill Library Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) collection dataset contains all the metadata and (in some cases) full text of the McGill Theses and Dissertation collections from 1881–2018. We invite researchers to come and explore this dataset and more.

Need help?

If you require assistance in discovering dissertation and thesis in your subject areas, please reach out to your liaison librarians and visit the Library’s Guide on Theses and Dissertations

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