200 Reasons to Give to McGill Library

McGill24, the University’s annual day of giving, is back Wednesday, March 9, 2022. Over a 24-hour period, donations will be made around the world with the aim of impacting current and future McGillians.

Everyone has a unique reason for giving back. We asked McGill students, staff, faculty, and alumni to provide some reasons to give to the Library. Below are just some of their answers.

  • No matter where you go in the world, there is a special feeling of community that you find in a library that you can’t get anywhere else.
  • Pour développer des collections plus diversifiées et inclusives.
  • To support student research!
  • The Library is the one place all students have in common.
  • To have a better space for studying, quiet, secure, inspiring, and not packed with crowds.
  • Pour contribuer à l’épanouissement du français à McGill.
  • To have access to everything we need for our research.
  • “Library24” – virtual access 24/7.
  • A sea of calmness in a whirlwind of noise.
  • Unlike the internet, library collections and staff are there to help you find reliable information so you can make educated choices based on research, evidence, and facts.
  • Eureka! Light bulb moments start at the Library.
  • Knowledge is power. Libraries hold a world of knowledge ergo… 🙂
  • Pour offrir des occasions de développement de carrière aux professionnel·le·s de demain.
  • McGill Library is one of the busiest places on campus, if not the busiest, welcoming thousands of students daily. 
  • Physical and digital collections. 
  • Pour soutenir le mouvement du libre accès à la recherche et aux savoirs.
  • Expert staff who love to help others. 
  • Quiet spaces. 
  • Pour offrir une bibliothèque de réputation mondiale à nos étudiant·e·s.
  • The Library offers a safe space to study after hours, making it a home away from home. 
  • Pour soutenir la science ouverte à tous et à toutes.
  • Group study areas.
  • The Library encourages experimentation with technology (e.g., 3D printing, virtual reality, one-button studio). 
  • 24% of students who responded to McGill’s Winter 2021 “Checking In Today, Planning For Tomorrow” survey reported that using a library study hub was one or the main reason for coming to campus. 
  • McGill Library supports learning through its collections, staff, and spaces. 
  • If you lined up all the books in the Library, they would stretch from Montreal past the American border.
  • À la bibliothèque pour contribuer à la démocratisation de l’accès à l’information.
  • Pour bâtir des fondations solides en recherche et en compétences informationnelles.
  • I never think of it as “giving” to the Library, but rather as “investing” in the Library.
  • Pour contribuer au développement des chercheur·euse·s de demain.
  • Our future Library system will enhance every student’s ability to learn, communicate, create, and progress. This is our future, that of our children and grandchildren, the return on investment is immeasurable.

On March 9, show your reason for supporting the next generation. Learn more about giving to the Library: mcgill.ca/library/about/donors.

#McGill24 // #200reasonstogive // #200raisonsdedonner

Red button that says "Give" in white letters

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