What difference will you make? McGill24 2020

Five Library staff seen from above holding signs that spell out "What Difference Will You Make?""Wood block letters inked in red and a sheet of paper with the words "McGill24" centred in red ink.Woodblock letters with red ink on them that spell out "What Difference Will You Make?"Ornate black and gold Columbian printing press in foreground with prints "what difference will you make?" hanging behind it.

McGill24, the University’s fifth annual day of giving is almost here! On Wednesday, March 11, donations will be made around the world with the aim of impacting the current and future McGill community. If we all come together for a 24-hour period, what difference can we make?

This question is key to the McGill Library, a hub for knowledge, discovery, research and community. Gifts to the Library have an immediate impact, providing students with the tools they need to nurture their curiosity, achieve academic success and go on to fulfilling careers. And on McGill24, those gifts go further, helping to unlock thousands of dollars in challenge funds towards Library services, spaces and collections.

In considering this question “what difference will you make?”, we immediately thought of one of the Library’s most recent initiatives, the Book Arts Laboratory. Launched in January 2020, the Book Arts Lab is a small printing room located in Rare Books and Special Collections housing two functional printing presses: the Columbian, an iron press dating to 1821 (the year of McGill’s founding), making it the oldest of its kind in North America; and the Farley, a British proofing press, made in the 1960s. We used the Farley press to print each word of the tagline individually. See below for a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the process!

And now we turn it over to you. On March 11, what difference will YOU make?

#McGill24 #McGillProud

Learn more about McGill24 here
Learn more about giving to the Library here

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