Trenholme Dean of Libraries gets in the McGill24 spirit year after year

McGill24, The 5th instalment of McGill University’s annual day of giving is coming up on Wednesday, March 11. In 2019, the Library raised nearly $55K from over 200 generous donors. We are extremely thankful to everyone who participated, either with a gift or by cheering us on. And in 2020, we’re aiming for even greater success.

Over the years, Trenholme Dean of Libraries Colleen Cook has led the Library’s McGill24 cheering squad. She has seen first-hand the incredible impact that donations to the Library have on current and future students, researchers, faculty, staff and the entire community.

“I love McGill24! It’s an amazing opportunity to dedicate yourself to a cause that resonates with you. For many, that cause is the Library.” –Trenholme Dean of Libraries Colleen Cook

Take a look back at Dean Cook getting in the McGill24 spirit year after year after year…


Black and white photograph of Dean Colleen Cook in the McLennan Reading Room holding up a colour sign that says "McGill is changing, the Library is changing"



Dean Colleen Cook wearing a red McGill24 toque and t-shirt standing in front of the red Bienvenue/ Welcome banner holding a red poster that says "Support from donors open doors for students""












Dean Colleen Cook on Redpath Bridge holding up a poster that says "Support from donors unlocks doors for students"


Dean Colleen Cook wearing a black McGill24 t-shirt sitting in front of a partially completed McGill24 puzzle featuring a collage of different photographs.

Countless students, faculty and researchers call the McGill Library their “home away from home”. On March 11, let’s all come together with the common goal of ensuring that this “home” offers cutting-edge facilities, inspirational collections and services that address the individual and changing needs of our users.

On March 11, what difference will YOU make?

#McGill24 #McGillProud

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