New PCs at the Humanities & Social Sciences and Schulich libraries

101 new computers have been installed in the Cyberthèque.

101 new computers were recently installed in the Cyberthèque. Photo credit: Klaus Fiedler

Login times just got a lot faster for library users working at computer stations at the Humanities & Social Sciences Library and Schulich Library of Science & Engineering. Thanks to the CIO and the return of the PC Renewal Program, the Library has received 217 new public computers.  The inventory of computers in library spaces was analyzed and older models were replaced first. Two hundred computers were prepped and swapped out the week of December 16. The new computers, Dell 9020s, are equipped with Intel I7 CPUs and 8 gigs of RAM. 86 units were installed in the McLennan reference area, 101 in the Cyberthèque and 15 made their way to the second floor of McLennan. Within the next few weeks, ICS will be upgrading 15 computers in public areas of Schulich. In addition, 36 DELL 745 computers in Schulich e-classrooms will be swapped using computers from McGill’s existing fleet of HP 8000s. 


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