Collecting hazardous waste at the Library


Hazardous waste in the workplace builds up over time. At McGill, you can do something about it!

Hazardous waste in the workplace builds up over time. At McGill, you can do something about it!


By: Margaret Blandford

Did you know McGill University recycles e-waste? What is e-waste? E-waste includes non-functional computers, cell phones, and small electronics, as well as things like CDs, VHS tapes, DVDs, floppy disks, and light bulbs*. If it has a cord or needs batteries and is no longer usable, it can be recycled.

Special thanks to Collection Services staff members Margaret Blandford, Michel Morin & Helene Koonjbeharrydass for getting this initiative off the ground.

Special thanks to Collection Services staff members Margaret Blandford, Michel Morin & Helene Koonjbeharrydass for getting this initiative off the ground.

McGill Library Collection Services has started a pilot project for recycling e-waste. A special e-waste recycling box is now available in the Humanities and Social Sciences Library Staff Cafe, 2nd floor, Redpath Building. We tried to make our box stand out using colourful symbols in the hopes of catching everyone’s attention! If you’d like to do the same in your staff area, please contact Kim Bray @ 514-398-5066 to let her know that your unit is interested. Once the box is filled, it just needs to be sent via internal mail to Hazardous Waste Management, Recycling of Materials, McIntyre Medical Building, Room 129. For more information on McGill Hazardous Waste Management click here.

Think of the small electrical items in our homes that are thrown in the garbage or left to gather dust in the back of our cupboards. You can help keep electronic waste from going to our landfill sites.  Municipalities are responsible for waste management within their jurisdictions. Some hold household hazardous waste collections, while others recommend direct drop-offs to an Éco-centre. To find out when and where household hazardous waste is recovered near you, visit Recyc-Quebec.

*Remember to wrap light bulbs in bubble wrap for safe transportation!

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