Access e-resources in history, art, architecture, literature, philosophy and more through Project Muse
McGill Alumni now have access to a wealth of digital humanities and social sciences content through Project Muse. Project Muse is an expanding collection of electronic books from over 250 academic publishers and over 400 journals published by university presses and scholarly societies. In 2018 Project Muse will be adding 3,000 books and 15 new journals to its collection.
Alumni will be able to search, print, or download articles and book chapters in all research areas of the Humanities and Social Sciences at https://proxy.library.mcgill.ca/login?url=https://muse.jhu.edu/
Canadian content is well represented by journals such as Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region, the Canadian Journal of Law and Society, Canadian Historical Review, University of Toronto Quarterly and the Canadian Bulletin of Medical History.
Access to this storehouse of information will enable our Alumni to augment and enrich the skills and knowledge accrued at their Alma Mater; or let their curiosity run wild in new and exciting areas of intellectual pursuit.
For more information on the other resources and services available to alumni and how to access holdings for alumni, please visit: http://www.mcgill.ca/library/services/alumni
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