Exhibit: The Alcuin Society Awards For Excellence In Book Design In Canada 2012

Detail from catalogue cover for the 31st Annual Awards for Excellence in Book Design in Canada

Detail from catalogue cover for the 31st Annual Awards for Excellence in Book Design in Canada

McLennan Library Building : main floor,  3459 rue McTavish Montreal Quebec Canada , H3A 0C9

On July 2013

Free entrance. Accessible during opening hours.

Since 1981 the Alcuin Society has sponsored the only national competition for book design in Canada. Each year, a call for entries is sent out. Books published in Canada during the calendar year of competition are eligible for submission. Each title must represent the exclusive work of a Canadian book designer. The judging of the entries takes place the following year in the spring, and the award winning books are posted to the society’s website, showcased in an awards catalogue produced by the Alcuin Society, and exhibited national and internationally. After the exhibitions, books have been contributed to various prestigious permanent collections in Canada, England, Germany, and Japan (excerpt from alcuinsociety.com). This exhibit features 41 winning titles from 236 entries, from 9 provinces and 112 publishers.  A listing of winning titles from 2012 is available here.

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