Library raises over $2,000 for Centraide

Used book & DVD sale fun in the FDA lobby.

Used book & DVD sale fun in the FDA lobby.

The Library working group for the McGill Centraide Campaign is proud to announce that fundraising events organized by the Library have raised a total of $2,354.81!

On October 31st, we held our annual Hallowe’en Costume Contest. A call was put out to all staff members to come dressed in their favourite Halloween costume for a chance to win some great prizes. Centraide working group members visited each branch, took pictures of all contest participants, handed out Hallowe’en candies, talked about the Centraide campaign and collected change donations. Winners for most creative and scariest costumes walked away with some great prizes including DVDs and McGill Bookstore gift cards.

Over the course of November, McGill University Library & Archives staff members donated their own personal used books and DVDs to raise funds for Centraide of Greater Montreal. On November 26 and 27 the Library held a Used Book/DVD Sale in the lobbies of McLennan and Frank Dawson Adams respectively. The sale was very well received by the McGill community.

A prize raffle featuring Simpsons paraphernalia and DVDs was also held in conjunction with the sale.  Thank you to everyone who threw their name into the ring, many several times (!), in support of Centraide. Congratulations to our winners:

  • Simpsons Grand Prize Pack: D. Koen
  • Tee-off Time Golf Pack: C. Phelan
  • Carafe & a good red: A. Salamon
  • For the gentleman Prize Pack: A. Di Pietro
  • Oldies but Goodies DVD Pack: S. Spodek
  • Willi Waller 2006 DVD Pack: D. Haryanto
  • La Belle Province DVD Pack: M. Allen
  • Crime and Punishment DVD Pack: M. Allen
  • Family Night DVD Pack: M. Allen
  • AC/DC Plug Me In – 3 DVD set: R. Tuckey
  • Dead Like Me Seasons 1 and 2: G. Burr
  • Entourage Seasons 1-4: F. Kuziomko

A big thank you to everyone who participated in or contributed to fundraising efforts! Your support has made a difference in improving the living conditions of the communities in which we live and work. To learn more about Centraide of Greater Montreal click here.

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